Medical Weight Loss

Embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier you with our comprehensive weight loss services.

Our dedicated team is committed to guiding you through a personalized and sustainable approach to shedding unwanted pounds.


How It Works

Consultation Bloodwork:
We offer you a full metabolic panel, hormone & thyroid panel, cholesterol, glucose, A 1 C, insulin, vitamin & cortisol levels, and discuss the overview of our weight loss program.

Initial Appointment:
After the consultation bloodwork, we offer an initial weight-loss intake form of medical, diet & lifestyle history, weight, measurements & before pictures will be taken, and medications will be given from this appointment.

Personalized Treatment & Plan Consult with Health Provider: 
We will explain the program guidelines & expectations are explained. Personalized treatment plan created together by the client & provider.

Monthly Follow-Ups with Health Provider: 
Continued treatment & monitoring of personalized treatment plan along with medications.

Success Rate

Client Weight-Loss Average: 6.4 pounds per month

Total Body Weight-Loss Average: 19% in one year 

GLP-1 medications are shown to be as effective as bariatric surgery!

before and after

coming soon!


Consult w/ bloodwork

*$150 deposit required for booking


+Initial Weight Loss Shot

Initial Appt

Monthly w/ meds

Monthly no meds



$375 - $640



  • Assess & address hormonal & endocrine disruption with a tailored program for each client.

  • Learn to control food intake by nourishing the body and breaking addiction.

  • ​Understand the body's response to malnourishment & set wellness-centered goals to learn to nourish the body.

  • Stop allowing calorie counting, scales, and schemes that control you! Weight loss is only valuable if maintained.

  • Utilize medications like GLP-1 as a tool to control appetite while slowly making changes.


  • Labs, thyroid optimization, vitamin balancing, lifestyle modifications, and a GLP-1 weekly medicine.

  • We do not take insurance. We do accept HSA and FSA cards and can provide receipts. We will make one attempt and one appeal for insurance to cover the medication, but we see about 10% success with insurance. WE WILL NOT CALL YOUR INSURANCE OR DO MULTIPLE APPEALS. WE DO NOT HAVE THE RESOURCES FOR THIS.

  • All clients need a mini consultation and blood draw prior to starting the program. Labs can be done at an outside facility, but we require specific labs to optimize the whole body. There are many roadblocks that can inhibit weight loss, and we would like to know all of those before starting the program.

  • Everyone is different and it depends on how much metabolic damage has been done and how seriously you take the program. Our program just is not about supplying medicine, it is about fixing the body and mind.

  • Everyone is different. Some people 6 months and some take 3 years. You can be on the program as long or as short as you want. At least give it 3-6 months before you quit.

  • GI upset; nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, burping, vomiting.

  • All research to date shows safety.

  • You cannot take this medicine with any active cancers, history of medullary carcinoma of thyroid, or neoplasm syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, or pancreatic issues.

  • Yes and no. There are foods we teach to limit or eliminate to help the body function at its best.

  • Yes and no, this will be talked about at your first month’s appointment.

  • $125-$275 depends on which peel (see specific pricig above)