Myers Cocktail

Post-CARE Instructions

1. Hydration and Diet:

  • Drink Plenty of Water: Staying hydrated helps your body process and benefit from the infusion. Aim for extra fluids over the next 24 hours to support nutrient absorption.

  • Eat a Balanced Meal: A meal with lean protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates after the IV can help stabilize blood sugar and keep your energy up.

2. Possible Side Effects:

  • Mild Bruising or Tenderness at Injection Site: Minor bruising, tenderness, or slight swelling at the IV site is normal. This should resolve within a few days.

  • Fatigue or Upset Stomach: Some people experience mild fatigue, nausea, or light-headedness following the infusion, but this typically passes quickly.

  • Alert for Unusual Symptoms: Contact your healthcare provider if you experience severe pain, a rash, fever, or swelling that spreads from the injection site, as these could indicate an infection or an allergic reaction.

3. Rest and Activity:

  • Rest if Needed: While many feel energized after a Myers’ IV, some may feel temporarily fatigued. Listen to your body and rest if you need to.

  • Resume Normal Activities: Most people can go about their regular routine immediately after the infusion. Avoid intense physical activity if you feel fatigued.

4. Limit Stimulants and Alcohol:

  • Avoid Alcohol for 24 Hours: Alcohol can interfere with the absorption of the nutrients from the IV and may increase dehydration.

  • Limit Caffeine: Caffeine can act as a diuretic, which may reduce the hydration benefits of the IV. If you need caffeine, keep intake moderate.

5. Monitor for Wellness Effects:

  • Track How You Feel Over the Next Few Days: You may notice benefits like increased energy, improved mood, or enhanced mental clarity. Note these effects, especially if Myers’ IV therapy is part of a broader wellness plan.

6. Follow-up Appointments:

  • Adhere to Recommended Frequency: Myers’ IV therapy can be done regularly, so follow the schedule your provider suggests for optimal benefits.

7. Contact Your Provider if Needed:

  • Seek Advice for Persistent Symptoms: If you experience prolonged fatigue, nausea, or any unusual symptoms, reach out to your healthcare provider for advice.