Vitamin Therapy

Whether you seek an energy boost, immune support, post-workout recovery, or a glowing complexion, our expertly crafted IV blends cater to your unique needs.

B12 IV Therapy

  • Vitamin B12 injections, also known as cobalamin, are essential for many roles in your body. Its main function is to help cells form and metabolize properly. It also plays a role in brain function, supporting neurons and cell formation. It is necessary for DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation. Vitamin B12 is one of the eight B vitamins, all of which are important in maintaining cell health.

  • ● gives you more energy

    ● not as lethargic

    ● reduces dizziness

    ● reduces fatigue

    ● reduces depression

    ● reduces aches and pains

    ● promotes appetite

    ● helps headaches

    ● helps ringing in the ears

    ● improve memory

    ● help vegans and vegetarians as long-term deficiency can lead to serious heart and neurological problems.

    ● help Crohn's disease

  • For most people, once weekly for 4 weeks. Then B12 shots can be helpful monthly as maintenance. If we are treating autoimmunity or pernicious anemia, you will receive B12 weekly or twice weekly for 6-12 weeks (about 3 months).

  • Pain/redness at the injection site, mild diarrhea, itching, or a feeling of swelling all over the body may occur.

  • 1. Hereditary optic nerve atrophy (Leber's disease)

    2. Benzyl alcohol hypersensitivity, neonates.

    3. Polycythemia vera.

    4. Anemia, folate deficiency, iron-deficiency anemia.

    5. Bone marrow suppression, infection, renal failure, uremia.

    6. Respiratory infection, rhinorrhea.

    7. Pregnancy

B12 is an essential vitamin that is important for energy production, nerve function, and the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue, weakness, neurological problems, and other health issues.

Some people have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from the digestive tract due to certain medical conditions (such as pernicious anemia, celiac disease, or Crohn's disease) or surgeries that affect the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, IV therapy can be an effective way to bypass the digestive system and deliver the nutrient directly into the bloodstream.

MIC IV therapy

  • Methionine Choline Injections, also referred to as Lipotropic Injections, or Lipo Injections, are used to help release fat throughout the body by specifically targeting its primary fatty deposits.

  • Because MIC B12 injections can rev up your metabolism and minimize fatty deposits, you might be able to lose as much as two to four pounds each week.

  • You can take them 1-2 times per week.

  • Most patients will experience no side effects other than the induced weight loss that the MIC Injections are created to achieve. There is the possibility of a small number of patients experiencing side effects such as upset stomach, urinary problems, or feelings of depression.

  • People with chronic liver and/or kidney dysfunction should not take frequent B12 injections.

MIC IV therapy is often promoted as a way to support weight loss and improve energy levels.

Also known as MIC B12 IV therapy or Lipotropic IV therapy, is a type of intravenous therapy that involves the administration of a combination of nutrients: Methionine, Inositol, and Choline (MIC), along with Vitamin B12.

These compounds are often referred to as lipotropic agents and are believed to play a role in aiding the breakdown of fat in the body.

Vitamin D Therapy

  • Vitamin D injections are intramuscular (into the muscle) injections that provide a large dose of Vitamin D. After the injection, the muscle gradually releases the Vitamin D into the blood stream. Studies show that after one injection, Vitamin D levels continue to rise for several weeks, and will remain improved for several months.

  • Vitamin D injections are ideal for people with poor intestinal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, who are low in vitamin D. They are also helpful for people with low Vitamin D levels who are finding it difficult to attain normal Vitamin D serum levels with oral supplementation.

  • Symptoms and signs that you may have a vitamin D deficiency include fatigue or tiredness, bone, muscle, and joint pain, low mood, low energy, frequent illness, anxiety, irritability, and weight gain. However, many people will only experience subtle symptoms if they have a vitamin D deficiency.

  • ● stronger and healthier bones and teeth

    ● decreased risk of fractures

    ● improved function of the immune system

    ● protection against heart disease

    ● increased sex drive in both women and men

    ● reduced risk of hypertension because Vitamin D reduces systolic blood pressure

    ● reduced risks associated with obesity

    ● lower rise in glucose levels, which may lower risk of diabetes

    ● improves symptoms of depression, because vitamin D can increase levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine which improve your mood

    ● reduced risk of cognitive decline, especially among the elderly population, is one of the essential vitamin D3 injection benefits

    ● reduced risk of Parkinson’s disease

    ● reduced risk of Multiple Sclerosis

    ● reduced risk of Influenza A

    ● reduced risk of bacterial vaginosis, especially in pregnant women, a deficiency of Vitamin D increases the risk for bacterial vaginosis

    ● reduced risk of pelvic floor disorders

    ● protection against age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

    ● protection against seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

    ● improves restless leg syndrome symptoms

    ● improves vitiligo and psoriasis

  • Once a month unless proven deficient from labs.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones, supporting immune function, regulating calcium levels, and aiding in various other bodily processes.

Some medical conditions, such as gastrointestinal disorders, can impair the absorption of vitamin D from the digestive tract. In cases where oral supplementation is ineffective due to these issues, IV therapy can help deliver vitamin D directly into the bloodstream.

IV Infusion

  • The Myers’ Cocktail includes these vitamins and minerals:

    ● B Vitamins: B Vitamins offer a wealth of health benefits. They help produce energy, are critical for growth and development, keep the eyes, nervous system, and skin healthy, help with the digestive system, break down fats, and much more.

    ● Vitamin C: One of the most effective nutrients, Vitamin C protects against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, eye disease, and even improves the appearance of skin.

    ● Calcium: Most people know that calcium strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis. In addition, it protects cardiac muscles, controls blood pressure, prevents premenstrual depression, and helps maintain optimal body weight.

    ● Magnesium: Magnesium is an important aid in calcium absorption and so contributes to overall bone health. Additionally, it decreases the risk of developing diabetes, maintains heart health, prevents, and relieves migraines, helps relieve PMS symptoms, and reduces anxiety.

  • ● Acute fatigue

    ● Migraine

    ● Acute asthma attacks

    ● Cardiovascular diseases

    ● Acute muscle spasms

    ● Upper respiratory tract infections

    ● Seasonal allergies

    ● Inflammation of the sinuses

    ● Hyperthyroidism

    ● Depression and chronic stress

    ● Congestive heart failure

    ● Angina

    ● Low immunity levels

    ● Hormone imbalances

  • One to two times a week.

  • You may feel an immediate energy boost after your short treatment session, and some patients with fatigue say their increased energy levels last for days or even weeks. In some patients, pain and inflammation observably decrease after an infusion treatment and your immune system gets a boost to help protect you from viral illnesses.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women and people with kidney disease, high blood pressure, or a heart condition should avoid the Myers' cocktail or other types of high-dose IV vitamin therapy.

IV infusion therapy can involve various types of substances and serves purposes like:  

Fluid Replacement:
IV fluids are commonly administered to restore or maintain a person's hydration status. This can be especially important in cases of dehydration due to illness, surgery, excessive fluid loss, or inability to take fluids orally. 

Nutritional Support:
In cases where a person cannot adequately take in nutrients orally, IV infusion therapy can be used to provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream.

Electrolyte Correction: 
Imbalances in electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium, and calcium) can have serious health consequences. IV infusion therapy can be used to rapidly correct these imbalances.

before and after

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Vitamin D

IV Infusion

$25/each or 6/$100

$25/each or 6/$100


Starting at $150